hyperactive public goods funding
Public Goods impact everyone. Building Open Source information and Software, contributing to a healthy climate, generating public health initiatives, promoting peace – creating impact in any of these locally benefits everyone on earth globally. These types of activities have historically been difficult to fund, as the value created cannot easily be captured by traditional means.
Hyperactive public goods funding (HPGF) is a network of teams building tools and modes that together compose a robust 'impact creation machine' aimed at supporting the generation and proliferation of public goods around the world. This machine needs impact creators to use it in order to meet it's goal. Let's Build a New World Together.
Use the Field Guide to navigate this world.
HPGF is divided into proactive, progressive, and retroactive funding stages. Our ESM (Ecosystem Support Machine) is designed to help emerging, impact-driven communities formalize their decision-making processes with transparent, on-chain governance that empowers autonomy. This ensures that these communities become visible and legible entities capable of receiving funding flows. Throughout this process, we encourage the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data to crowdsource the attestation of promised impact, review the team's capacity to perform work, and provide feedback. This shared learning enhances the larger ecosystem and keeps the team agile, enabling them to iterate effectively to meet the goals of funding organizations.
The HPGF stack includes open source tools from the web3 public goods ecosystem that can be deployed by anybody at any scale. In some strategies, crowdfunders or other prospective funders recoop their stake. In others, the crowdfunding and the retroactive funding feed forward into a virtuous circle. The key is diverse resources pooled in a way that leverages different risk tolerances to reduce the burden of funding for all parties.
Diagram of HPGF
You don’t have to start at the beginning. It’s more of a cycle where one can enter the loop when and where relevant to them. The basic model is as follows: